
Investing 102

(coming soon!)

This OG course comes in a number of ways to suit your learning style and location:

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This course is perfect for you if:

"I feel so empowered and so much more confident with my money after the MoneyGirl course. Each week there were such valuable lessons that I learnt, things that I had just never been taught before either in school or from family. I highly recommend anyone to take this course! It feels great to have this knowledge and be more in charge of my money."

- Cassie

“I learned so much in EVERY SINGLE session. Each session has had an impact on the way I think about / spend / save / invest my money. I have switched my super (which no doubt has saved me $10,000s in the long run as I was on such a low growth super before). It's also started got me thinking about saving for a deposit, and having those important conversations with my partner.”

- Alex

“I was super curious to learn about money, and as a young woman it didn’t seem like the most accessible topic. It was very comforting to find MoneyGirl and be surrounded with women who shared a similar eagerness to take control of their financial independence. I knew nothing about super, taxes, and investments. MoneyGirl has allowed me to take control...I am now confident with my money, and I am able to view it as a tool in my life, that doesn’t control and dictate my life."

- Zakiya

Next Course Starts

Master your money and learn how to become financially independent


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Investing 102

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are MoneyGirl courses only for women or can others join?

Everyone is welcome to join; we’re an inclusive community. But given the current financial system is not tipped in the favour of women, people of colour, non-binary and gender non-conforming people or basically anyone who’s not straight, white and male - we do focus on providing financial literacy education and opportunities in these communities.

How much does a MoneyGirl course cost?

Our signature Six Steps to Financial Independence Course is an investment of $359 in future you, which can be a small price to pay for money savvy and confidence. But no one should ever miss out on learning about money because of, well, money! So, we do have scholarships and subsidised places available through our MoneyGirl Pay It Forward Fund and you can find out more or apply here.

Are your courses online or in-person?

COVID has meant that MoneyGirl did the almighty pandemic-pivot online, delivering a mix of on-demand and live courses over the interwebs. We will be back in the flesh when it’s safe to do so, but now anyone anywhere can enjoy a MoneyGirl course from the comfort of their home.

Can I gift a MoneyGirl Course to a loved one?

Well aren’t you kind, of course you can! We have gift vouchers available to cover some or all of a MoneyGirl course for a loved one, or you can help subsidise a place for someone in our community as part of the MoneyGirl Pay It Forward Fund.

Do you offer scholarships or subsidised places?

Yes we absolutely do. Money should never be the reason you can't learn about money! We have scholarships and payment plans available for anyone who needs it, just email us on and we’ll help you out.

Does MoneyGirl run group courses for companies and organisations?

Of course we do! Find out more about our Courses For Organisations or simply email with your enquiry (when, where, how many) and we'll be in touch to finalise the details!